Women in Sport WA is a social enterprise that supports the participation of women in all aspects of sport in Western Australia and beyond.
Founded in Perth by Karen Hennessy, the Women in Sport WA team is a vibrant group of volunteers with diverse interests, skills and careers. We are all passionate about one thing: SPORT and increasing the visibility and participation of women in sport in Western Australia.
We are informal, inclusive, interactive and inspiring. We are the 'IN' in Women in Sport.
Our focus is on girls and women in sport from playground to grassroots through to elite females sport. This can be achieved by championing the inner girl in all of us. What we like to call the #everydaygirl.
Through the use of social media platforms ,Women In Sport WA creates content by story telling, showcasing photography, producing podcasts and prompt the conversations that can help reduce barriers for females in sport. Women In Sport WA invites you to join us on our journey.
Who We Are

Ros Harley
Principal Consultant Executive Order.

Michelle Wong
Michelle Wong
Curtin Autism Research Group (CARG)
Founder Bust-a-Burpee, Maths on the Move
ESTEAM Champion Teacher Finalist 201\
elle Wong
Curtin Autism Research Group (CARG)
Founder Bust-a-Burpee, Maths on the Move
ESTEAM Champion Teacher Finalist 2019
Michelle Wong
Curtin Autism Research Group (CARG)
Founder Bust-a-Burpee, Maths on the Move

Katie Jackson
Compliance and Governance Specialist, Founder of Keanie and Sports Graphics/Illustrator